With the New Year, there should be novelty in our thoughts and things should be a lot different than they are and changes need to be made. Until and if that time ever comes, organizations like Relief India Trust will be providing the necessary food, immunizations and organ transplants that many need to survive. I enjoy giving to Relief India Trust because they educate the uneducated and reach the unreachable through their wonderful passion to help, the care they provide and the events they participate in with others that need love and a helping hand.


I have contributed much towards many non-profit organizations throughout India in my life but one of the most beneficial ones of them all is Relief India Trust. I could go on a lot about the spectacular support they provide in many areas but right now I want to focus on the camps they promote. They organize camps for organ donation awareness, blood donation camps and health check camps that aid even for those that who is disabled. Nowhere else can you find a group of people who give significant time and resources to those less fortunate. I think it’s time that more people started giving to this wonderful cause.


I am not so wealthy but I have a sense of empathy and thus consider it my responsibility to support a cause which I do through contributing my part towards Relief India Trust. My question now is why aren’t you? Relief India Trust has helped countless thousands over their few years of operation by supplying clean food and water to the hungry, clothing to the ragged, organ transplants to the sick and dying as well as supplying support and awareness events to celebrate and educate. Even though Relief India Trust does not have a huge financial reservoir, they certainly make the most with what they possess. Even your small donation can make the difference between whether a child gets to eat for a day or gets medical treatment to save their life. A little can truly go a long way.


Although I am from India where too many are impoverished and die of hunger and disease every single day, I am still very proud of non-profit organizations we have like Relief India Trust. I live nearby and I see so many people coming and going after they receive food, water, clothing and medical care. Recently Relief India Trust had a special event for donations where people could come and see the work that Relief India Trust is doing, they got to meet the people that were being helped and they got to learn more about the incredible work that goes on there. I truly hope that more people donate there to help the needy.


Three years ago I came to Relief India Trust as a young teenager with no parents. I needed food, water, clothing and a nice place to stay until better arrangements could be made. Now that I am legally an adult, I come around to Relief India Trust to help them out where I can. I direct others in need to get in contact with them. In addition to the wonderful help they supply, I love the events they organize for the children such as Republic Day where they sing patriotic songs and show educational films to children. It really revives the feeling of love and pride for the country and I hope this work continues for years to come.

Art and Relief India Trust

I’m leaving this note with Relief India Trust so they can find someone to post it online. I took my mentally challenged daughter to Relief India Trust so they could give her a check-up and advice me on the further treatment required. They told us to spend the night with them so my daughter could participate in a painting competition the next day. They hold it twice a month so it was the perfect chance for my daughter to try out her art skills. The experience was just amazing for her and she came in 3rd place in the competition. Relief India Trust has truly made her week and I want to thank them for all the wonderful work that they do every single day.


I had heard about Relief India Trust and how they help out many people – especially children. Being interested in social work, I approached them for volunteering in their various events. I had also taken few underprivileged kids of our area to get them some much needed clothing. We were very lucky that day because the children were being taken out to the local National Science museum. We were invited to come along and so we were with them for the entire day. It was a joyous experience for those kids and they learned so much that they had never thought of before as their parents could never afford to send them to school.


     I have and would again praise the great work of Relief India Trust. My good friend once told me how he had volunteered for a relief work with them, where they provided food, shelter and medical care to orphans and impoverished children. They also provided them with some new clean clothes that were very much necessary. Relief India Trust is greatly concerned for the homeless and provides them with joy, hope and happiness in their time of great loss. This organization has even been associated with the establishment of free education to children who would otherwise go without. I hope more people will support them for the wonderful work that they do.